Let's work together to prevent suicide

Are you a school or community leader passionate about preventing suicide? 
Reach out to Life Letters founder, Jennifer Wolf, about workshops and presentations, such as:
Break the Code of Silence: How to Talk to Teens about Suicide Before They're in Crisis

Suited to middle-school and high-school parents, this presentation equips participants with:
  • A simple & powerful tool for preventing suicide, even if your teen shows no signs of being at risk
  • Guidance for how to talk about suicide and help your teen become resilient in the face of life's biggest challenges
  • Practical steps every parent can take to prevent suicide and build a network of support around your loved ones
It Takes a Village: How to Be the Community that Works Together to Prevent Suicide

Suited for schools, faith-based organizations, and community groups, this presentation helps participants:
  • Recognize the warning signs that someone in your community is at risk for suicide
  • Use life letters to prevent suicide -- even when the person doesn't want anyone to know they're hurting
  • Create a culture that responds with empathy instead of gossip
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